Anti-vaccine protest by Stand Up X In Trafalger Square, London. Photo credit: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona

Could new mRNA coronavirus vaccines lead to infertility, miscarriage, birth defects?

Vaccine makers may have been using fraudulent false positive diagnosis of Covid-19 in the control group to make a dangerous vaccine appear more efficacious.

Published: December 8, 2020, 9:13 am

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    Two researchers involved in Covid analyses, Dr Wolfgang Wodarg and Dr Michael Yeadon, have issued a motion for administrative and regulatory action to the European Medicines Agency (EMA). They are concerned about the new mRNA Coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, warning that the vaccines could attack placenta cells, causing female infertility.

    According to Natural News, the doctors have petitioned for regulatory action that requires confirmation of the vaccine’s real benefits. The doctors are petitioning the EMA for a stay-of-action, halting the emergency approval of the new vaccines until the companies can correct the study design to ensure that the vaccines are not based on nonspecific symptoms and false positive high cycle PCR tests.

    Doctors warned that the Coronavirus vaccines would cause autoimmune responses and infertility in women since phase three clinical trials have produced fraudulent data points which will lead to misleading public health guidelines.

    According to the Independent, the British government has warned pregnant women not to take Pfizer’s vaccine and in general women “should avoid becoming pregnant until at least two months after being vaccinated.”

    “The mRNA vaccines are intended to induce an immune response to spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2, but these spike proteins (transcribed for replication within cellular ribosomes) also contain a homologous form of syncytin-1,” Natural News reported.

    “This natural protein (syncytin-1) is created from human endogenous retroviruses and is responsible for the placenta development in mammals and humans. This protein is required for a successful pregnancy, but after covid-19 vaccination, an individual’s immune cells will be trained to attack syncytin-1 (leading to potential miscarriages, birth defects and infertility). The study designs do not test for mutagenic or reproductive defects, yet the science of the mRNA vaccine shows potential to cause long term autoimmune destruction of the female reproductive system.”

    The product also includes polyethylene glycol (PEG) that will not only make the vaccine less effective but also cause allergic reactions and deadly adverse effects. The active ingredients, mRNA nano-particles are coated with PEG. Furthermore, the vaccines also contain mNeonGreen, an ingredient with bio-luminescent properties. It is not clear why this ingredient is being used in the vaccines.

    Moreover, vaccine study designs use false positive PCR results on controls to boost vaccine efficacy rate. The vaccine study designs do not test if the vaccine reduces severe Covid-19 symptoms, including hospital admissions, ICU or death. The tests are not designed to determine if the vaccine can interrupt virus transmission, either.

    Dr. Tommy Megremis recently commented on Facebook: “The problem is in the false positivity if you will for the PCR test. If you are generally aware, the PCR test is used to amplify small amount of genetic material so as to recognize patterns of DNA by ‘cycling’.(Also, for RNA virus, the RNA is converted to DNA in order to be detected, it’s just the way the test works) This is how we have been able to recognize the genomes in Egyptian mummies and Wooly Mammoths. It works because if you amplify and cycle enough times to “grow” legitimate DNA fragments, you get something with with a fair amount of specificity.

    “What is becoming more and more apparent is that the PCR test was not designed as a diagnostic tool for infection, and really cannot function as one without having a huge amount of false positives, period. When it comes to Covid, the presence of viral particles picked up by the PCR technique does not and has not been quantitatively linked to an active “symptomatic” infection. It simply cannot be so, because infection threshold as a result of viral load is different for each patient. It turns out, if you ‘cycle’ over around 25 times, the false positivity of Covid infection starts getting very high. I and others have explained in blogs how people can be exposed to virus, and mount a simple innate immune response and never know any differently. When you test these people with very low viral loads, who are not sick, you can find the viral RNA code that is used to ‘diagnose’ if you cycle enough times. The last I read, Labcorp cycles at least 40 times to detect viral genome fragments. […]

    “The hospitalizations now do not reflect the Covid clinical pattern seen back in March and April. In conclusion, what we see now are ordinary respiratory illnesses needing supportive care masquerading as Covid because of a false positive PCR testing which is a clinically unreliable test for symptomatic infection. This is not a theory. There is research to back this up.”

    The worst part of the study design of the vaccine manufacturers therefore, is that it is based on fraudulent diagnoses of SARS-CoV-2. Wodarg and Yeodon have warned that “high cycle thresholds, or CT values, in RT-qPCR test results have been widely acknowledged to lead to false positives.”

    Governments all over the world have been basing their decisions on CT values that are very high, while they should be very low. Also, the Coronavirus has a 99,5 percent survival rate for those under 70 years old, according to the CDC’s best estimate.

    “RT-qPCR-positive test results used to categorize patients as ‘Covid-19 cases’ in the trials and used to qualify the trial’s endpoints should be verified by Sanger sequencing to confirm that the tested samples in fact contain a unique SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA,” the doctors noted.

    Since high cycle PCR tests have been ruled to be 97 percent false positive, the end points collected in the Pfizer/BioNTech studies could ultimately show that the vaccine is less than 3 percent efficacious, while causing severe and lasting health effects, including but not limited to: infertility of women.

    Curiously, the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, sold off 62 percent of his stock on the same day that his company announced their vaccine was supposedly 90 percent effective.

    In the US, only Florida’s Department of Health, with support from Republican Governor Ron deSantis, for the first time in the history of the pandemic, will require that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

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