Robert Malone. Screenshot from YouTube

Covid cases are surging in the most-vaxxed countries, not in the least-vaxxed

Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered the mRNA vaccine technology is concerned that the countries with the smallest percentage of their population vaccinated have the fewest number of new Covid cases. Countries with the largest percentages of population vaccinated have surging numbers of new Covid cases.

Published: July 20, 2021, 9:26 pm

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    Dr. Malone shares his calculations based on CDC/VAERS data:

    The Pfizer vaccine is 3-5 times more likely to cause a male 12-17 years of age to be hospitalized than Covid itself. For a female of the same age, the vaccine is 4-5 times more likely to cause hospitalization than Covid.

    Females 12-17 years of age are 72 percent more likely to die from the vaccine than from Covid.

    If this report is correct, dr. Malone’s warnings might cost him his life. With so many murdered by the vaccines, what is one more life?

    Here is another report that cannot be verified or refuted because the tyranny under which Western people live will not allow the report to be acknowledged.

    According to this report, Asians have switched from vaccination to Ivermectin.

    Unfortunately, the Western world has a media that suppresses dissenting views instead of bringing them into public debate. The only thing most Western people hear are the lies that serve establishment interests. Western peoples are in every sense blinded by a Ministry of Propaganda.

    The lying scum presstitutes, medical bureaucrats, and shills who are paid to lie for Big Pharma are trying to claim that the case surge in vaccinated countries is the new “Delta variant” while simultaneously claiming that the vaccines protect against the “Delta variant.” CDC director Rochelle Walensky claims falsely that “if you are fully vaccinated you are protected against severe Covid, hospitalization and death, and are even protected against the known variants, including the delta variant, circulating in this country.”

    Independent scientists are suggesting that the surge in cases among vaccinated countries is caused by the vaccine itself which releases the Spike Protein into the body as does the virus. The presstitutes continue to hide the facts, and independent experts sounding alarm continue to be censored, ridiculed, and threatened with firings.

    An unfolding health catastrophe is being covered up as it happens before our eyes.

    Here is the latest CDC report on adverse vaccine effects. Remember the VAERS reporting system captures at best only 10 percent of the adverse vaccine reactions.

    Here is a report claiming deaths are seriously under-reported by VAERS. As the print, TV, and NPR media are 100 percent unreliable along with a high percentage of the Internet media, it is difficult to know what to make of this report.

    Here is a great amount of expert information about the so-called Covid vaccines and their very real dangers.

    A month ago I posted Dr. Robert Malone’s concern about the dangers the vaccines present to many elements of the population.

    The grave problem that we face is that almost the entirety of the medical profession, governments, and media are invested 100 percent in the hype that the vaccines are the answer. They continue to call the high and rising number of deaths and adverse effects of the vaccines “rare.”

    They are now blaming the astonishing number of new cases among heavily-vaccinated populations on a mutation or new variant. It is beyond their capability to consider if the vaccine itself is the cause of the new outbreak. People this culpable in mass deceit, murder, and injuries are incapable of recognizing their mistake.

    As incompetent or corrupt governments shielded the vaccine-makers from liability, there is no help for the families of those killed by the vaccine and no medical help for those injured by the vaccine. As the corrupt medical establishment will not recognize the dangers of the vaccines, no research is being done about how to cure or ameliorate the health problems caused by the vaccines.

    Instead, the health establishment continues to press forward with vaccination with many employers and universities mandating vaccination and the fool in the Oval Office wanting to send agents door-to-door to vaccinate “anti-vaxxers.” France and Greece are trying to impose Covid Passports in order to coerce their entire populations to accept vaccination with an untested, experimental, and now proven highly dangerous vaccine: Biden Demands Facebook Silence Everyone Who Questions Covid Vaccine.

    We are everywhere witnessing the complete and total failure of government and public health bureaucracies.

    Some doctors and scientists are concerned that the Spike proteins in the vaccines that attack the body’s vital organs will result in a high percentage of those vaccinated dying within three years, with the consequence being the collapse of societies. Indeed, it could be too late to retrieve the situation, and the establishment is in total denial.

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    1. The ‘vaccinated’ people ARE the vector…

      Comment by TheChairman on July 26, 2021 at 4:31 am

    2. Yep, plus those wanting to run and get the jab can’t be easily swayed, they are brainwashed!

      Comment by Emperor Palpatine on July 26, 2021 at 5:05 pm

    3. For those that are vaccinated, acknowledgment of this info would have major egoic implications. I struggle to have open-minded convos with friends as they are incredibly critical of anything that contradicts their narrow point of view, while being seemingly naive to the mainstream narrative. That said, I am grateful that I can have conversations with people of a different ideology as so many relationships have been destroyed due to the divisiveness of the incredibly effective military grade propaganda being foisted on so many. All this is yet another reason I’m so thankful to not have cable now and for the last 10+ years as well as all but being absent from most social media.

      Comment by Dave T on July 26, 2021 at 11:47 pm

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